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viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad

Es un libro que recomiendo que lean

F. Mulas
ISBN 84-85424-49-2
359 páginas
33,65 €

viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011

Organization Products ADD Adults Swear By

Organization Products ADD Adults Swear By

We asked ADD/ADHD adults: What is the organizing gadget or app that you swear by -- not at? And you told about these must-have organization products.

Watches That Improve ADHD Children'

Watches That Improve ADHD Children's Focus, Memory, and Sense of Time

Parents and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) children tested and reviewed three new watches that promise to grab your child's attention and teach them valuable lessons about schedules and responsibility.


The Challenge: My son’s teachers have told me that he “spaces out” in class, and I’m worried that he will fall behind. Cell phones are prohibited in class, and a beeping alarm would be disruptive to everyone.

The Solution: The WatchMinder looks like a sports watch, so Jason didn’t mind wearing it to school. You can set a silent, vibrating alarm -- he programmed it to go off every 20 minutes during class -- as well as pre-programmed messages. He chose PYATTN (“pay attention”). The vibrating alarm nudges him out of his daydreams -- at least for a few minutes. There’s also a mode for daily reminders, and we set one for taking medication. When it’s time to change the battery, the settings will be saved -- if you follow instructions.

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011


Mínimo 4 criterios presentes cuando menos por 6 meses, de frecuencia mayor a lo observado para la edad y nivel de desarrollo.

Desafía activamente o rechaza ajustarse a las solicitudes o reglas de los adultos.
Culpa a otros de sus errores o mal comportamiento.
Frecuentemente se enoja.
Esta muy sensible y se molesta fácilmente con otras personas.
Discute con los adultos.
Molesta a las personas en forma deliberada.
Esta enojado y resentido.
Es vengativo o rencoroso.

(American Academy of Psychiatry. DSM-IV, 1994)